Fire Warden Course 101: Qualities You Can Develop With This Fire Safety Programme

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Fire wardens are people who are accountable for extinguishing fires, guaranteeing the minimisation of fire threats at work, as well as ensuring the safety of people if this emergency takes place. By acquiring an intensive Evac chair training, they're trained to handle these circumstances confidently, so that they can efficiently keep people safe from danger.

Because they play a significant part in guaranteeing the safety of workers, they should possess all the important characteristics to be sure that they can carry out their obligations and duties properly. Listed here are several of these attributes which you can strengthen once you obtain a fire warden course.

1) Level-headedness

During emergency situations, it is likely that the people in an establishment will panic and become nervous. And in case you're a designated fire warden, you must learn how to keep calm even during such stressful situations. Therefore, you must be able to remain reasonable even though everyone else around you is distressed and frightened so that you can keep others safe.

2) Good physical condition

Another trait that these people must have is good physical health. During emergencies, you’ll need to move around a lot because you're assigned to ensure no one is injured and guide people out of the building. And that is why it's very important that you're healthy. If you are not in good shape, then you may have problems keeping yourself safe, and in turn, also have a tough time evacuating others.      

3) Strong knowledge of fire safety

While you're undertaking a fire warden course, you will fully comprehend all of the crucial points regarding fire safety. Through the help of your instructors, you'll be fully informed on how to utilise different safety tools such as extinguishers and blankets. On top of that, you'll also learn the procedures to adhere to during real emergencies. Additionally, you will be taught about your legal responsibilities concerning fire prevention, along with health and safety at work. And therefore, this will improve your understanding of the matter, and you will certainly be more effective at your duty of keeping others safe.

4) Good leadership capabilities

Since you’re responsible for accompanying people out of the property during emergencies, it's important that you learn how to be an excellent leader. When you have this characteristic, you'll be able to confidently tell individuals what they must do next during these situations. And when you can guide these people properly, then you can evacuate them easily and effectively.

5) Attentiveness

Last but not the least, being observant is a crucial trait that fire wardens should have. Why, you ask? Because while you're scrutinising your building for fire risks, being attentive will help you spot unsafe areas in your establishment much easier. These may comprise of overloaded electrical sockets, faulty electrical equipment, and blocked emergency exits. And once you identify such risks, you'll be capable of preventing emergencies from happening.

These are just a few of the significant characteristics that a fire warden should possess. When an individual takes a fire warden course and develops such attributes, then the risks in a property will be lessened. As a result, your property will be less likely to suffer from a fire.